Kroger Earnings Report Tomorrow- What to Expect

Sandwiched between the US CPI report and Thursday’s opening bell for the stock market is Kroger’s quarterly earnings report. What does the market expect from the grocery chain?


Kroger (KR) stock is down 2.33% for the day, leading into its quarterly earnings report. The company’s stock price is at $51 a share right now. The expectation is that for this quarter that just finished the company will earn $34.09 billion in revenue with a gain of $0.91 per share.

The stock is performing just below its 52-week high, so it is set for a decent earnings boost, if the report comes out positive. In the past, Kroger’s stock has moved dramatically after a quarterly report. We may see something similar here, but investors need to beware that the market is in a tight place right now.

The stock market is suffering through one of its toughest months this year, and with inflation and unemployment high, companies need to perform really well in order to see a stock price improvement following the quarterly report. That is the uphill battle that Kroger will be fighting here, and we will see on Thursday how it all pans out.

US CPI and Kroger

The CPI report came out earlier today and has surprised much of the market. The Core CPI numbers were higher than expected with a 0.3% increase. Compared to the same time last year, it is up 3.2%.

Overall CPI was up 0.2% compared to last month, which is right on par with expectations. These numbers do not paint a very promising picture for the stock market, as they indicate that inflation is likely to remain sticky for the time being.

Kroger will have to perform really well in order to help its stock to elevate after the earnings report. Right now, KR’s chances of shooting up tomorrow are very slim, even if the numbers for revenue and earnings per share meet the expectations. 


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Timothy St. John
Timothy St. John
Financial Writer - European & US Desks
Timothy St John is a seasoned financial analyst and writer, catering to the dynamic landscapes of the US and European markets. Boasting over a decade of extensive freelance writing experience, he has made significant contributions to reputable platforms such as Yahoo!Finance, Expert Business Advice, Tips, and Resources -, and numerous others. Timothy's expertise lies in in-depth research and comprehensive coverage of stock and cryptocurrency movements, coupled with a keen understanding of the economic factors influencing currency dynamics. Timothy majored in English at East Tennessee State University, and you can find him on LinkedIn.
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