Crypto Charts and Historical Prices
Historical cryptocurrency charts can be found in all the different formats, including line charts, candlestick charts and bar charts. However, the candlestick chart is most frequently used in cryptocurrency market analysis, as is the case in forex and commodity market analyses. The technical analysis is performed on historical prices derived from historical cryptocurrency charts, in order to analyze future price fluctuations in cryptocurrency prices. The potential volatility of a crypto pair is assessed on the basis of the trading volume of cryptocurrencies that can be found on the MT5 and MT4 trading platform.
Bitcoin is the most famous and significant cryptocurrency, and therefore it is the leader in the digital assets market. It is traded in the financial cryptocurrency market under the symbol of BTC/USD. If we look at the historical cryptocurrency charts for Bitcoin, it shows that the BTC/USD placed its highest price level so far at $ 19,783.06 in December 2017. This surge in Bitcoin was attributed to the opening of the trading platform for BTC/USD by two bitcoin futures markets, which was cheered by the amateur investors, who considered it to be a step towards legitimizing the cryptocurrency. The lowest Bitcoin price ever was its initial offered price, as its prices have increased continuously since it came into existence.Ethereum is the second most traded cryptocurrency in the digital assets market. It goes under the symbol of ETH/USD. The second-largest cryptocurrency, Ethereum, dropped to its all-time lowest level, at $ 0.43, in October 2015, during the initial stages of this currency; however, after this, the Ethereum prices gradually rose. The all-time highest level in Ethereum prices was recorded at $ 1432.88 in January 2018. The spike in Ethereum prices was caused by the abrupt surge in Ripple's value and the rising number of user activities of DApps.
One must learn to analyze cryptocurrency price movements, in order to predict future prices, which can only be done by reading historical cryptocurrency charts. One needs to learn how to read the charts before starting to trade in cryptocurrencies, as they are very useful in providing trading signals. As we already mentioned, just like forex, crypto price movements can also be visualized by different types of charts, including line, bar and candlestick charts. If we look at candlestick charts, there are two types of candles in terms of body and trend, i.e. bearish black or red, and bullish white or green. These candles also suggest the opening, high, low and closing level of the commodity. Two or more bullish candles side by side, with the last candle giving the new highest level, indicates a "long position" trading signal, whereas two or more bearish candles side by side, with the last candle showing the new lowest level, indicates that there is a "short position" trading signal ahead.
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